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AI for Crises Management

AI for Crises Management

Dag H. Zeiner-Gundersen, (Ph.D & D.Sc), and Vladimir Winner, founders of the, are providing cutting-edge user-friendly family of AI (Artificial Intelligence) driven algorithms. We have further enhanced our AI driven algorithms from BINOM,, a AI project founded by Dr. Dag H. Zeiner-Gundersen, holding a DSc in AI algorithms for problem solving and risk management, and Vladimir Winner, an entrepreneur on digitalization, AI functionality and human interaction. 




The family of BINOM AI solutions is based on a unique multi-layered AI architecture and includes today three main functional modules. The BINOM Forecaster analyzes risks and look into the future outlining 24/7 probabilistically consequences within 7 main categories. Within the BINOM Forecaster, the user can further request the AI BINOM Adviser to solve a consequence. The BINOM Adviser will provide suggested specific solutions as well as highlight solutions that should be avoided. Several additional features including advanced filters and various tools are available. So why choose BINOM solutions for risk and crises management? 

  •  Reduced cost in handling problems and crises by finding fast reliable solutions and outlining future consequences. 

  • Allow users to test the provided solutions versus anticipated future effects and consequences. 

  • Increased efficiency by reducing the work that normally is execute manually or semi manually. Such as establishing cascade flow charts, which takes days and weeks compared to the 3-7 minutes used by BINOM. 

  • Improved operational success by freeing up crises management personnel to better see the overview, share suggested solutions, test alternatives and more effectively execute the solutions after fast consequence testing. 

  • Increased historic storage of suggested solutions and data for later review, training, and learning. 

  • Improved outcome in stressed situations by a non-biased effective reliable AI driven algorithms, checking millions of variations. 

  • Provides a reliable predictive analytics system use AI algorithm to analyze large and machine learning algorithms to identify solutions, patterns and predict future outcomes. 

  • Can be easily be integrated, if decided, with internal risk or crises management systems. 


An additional unique module from AI BINOM is our BINOM Legacy, which is providing a unique opportunity to train a BINOM AI algorithm to become a “digital copy” of a specific person´s perspective logic thinking and lifelong comprehensive cognitive experiences. This allows a person’s Legacy to continue for decades and centuries when not being available in person.

BINOM Forecaster

Dr. Dag H. Zeiner-Gundersen, an internationally experienced project manager, states that successful risk processes should include using of AI driven algorithms for determining and forecasting future cascade effects and associated consequences.  Such comprehensive forecasting is provided by our program BINOM Forecaster that is providing future probabilistic and 24/7 updated results as a “tree of life” within 7 categories: 1) Technological 2) Operational 3) Environmental 4) Safety 5) Organizational 6) Financial and 7) Reputational.  For complex requests the program typically takes from 3-7 minutes to generate a full cascade architecture consisting of typically more than 100 consequences.  The generated consequences are in user-friendly displayed in form of sizes, colors, severities, with explanations and in total thereby shown as a complete logic event Case and effect tree.  Within each of the cascade generated consequences, the program provides probabilistic likelihood per consequence and the user can request the BINOM Adviser to advice for solutions or suggest mitigating actions. A typical application is crises management risks, and when entered into the BINOM Forecaster it will predict the consequential future effects created by such risk, problem or crises, and provide the likelihood, for it to occur, time aspect and the severity.  The user might then, by a simple button, enter BINOM Adviser to suggest proper solutions and mitigating actions.  This tool will therefore provide a speedy, reliable and cost effective tool in risk and crises management.  It allows for the operator to intervene with alternative solutions and the AI will suggest new consequences.  All solutions and alterations can be stored and shared with colleagues for current, future and for historic usage. 


Typical AI BINOM Forecaster screenshot from a typical forecasting of a risk or problem showing  the  future cascade of  consequences.

BINOM Adviser  

Several AI driven algorithms and programs have been provided lately, like Chat GTP.  The unique BINOM Adviser highlights categorized solutions to your requests and problems and provides comprehensive solutions but also solutions to be avoided. The program features refinement possibilities for the solutions and provides useful AI driven filters for effective usage. BINOM adviser is connected to the BINOM Forecaster, thus allowing testing out the effect of solutions or for that case and solutions not recommended in order to determine future cascade effects and consequences.  When entering any request into the BINOM Adviser, the user can select the generic AI  provided or request specific adapted and  tailormade versions by the logic of a seasoned  specific professor´s or specialist, also capturing much of their adaptive logic thinking.The BINOM adviser have been thoroughly  and successfully tested and verified by professors,  MSc students  and specialist users.  For risk and decision-making solutions, the BINOM Adviser provide the following advantages; 

  • Looking into the future for predicting, risks, crises or project results.  

  • Thorough and specialist-based information sought from millions of cases, excluding beliefs and feelings; thereby providing a reliable decisions support tool.  

  • Establishing exact outfall of a selected solution and testing it for future cascade effects and consequences.  

  • Provides comprehensive guidance to solutions where limited information or operational or field data are available.  

  • Excludes negative human factors such as emotional stress and time squeeze typically affecting decisions. 

  • Avoids biased decision solutions with private forecasted consequential cascade effects, but instead achieve objective balanced decisions required in risk and crises management.  

  • Provides comparative solutions in order to know which that should be avoided. 

  • Provide integration with selected specialists and organization sharing and actions. 

  • Provides 24/7 update and may also be effectively integrated with real data from operational events and or sensory data. 

The advanced AI driven BINOM Adviser has multiple usages and may be used for a high number of applications requiring advice in solving problems and dilemmas.   The integration with the BINOM Forecaster makes this a highly effective tool for risk and crises management  also providing  AI driven filters suggested solutions  the consequences of which are generated in BINOM Forecaster. The suggested solutions plus solutions to be avoided can easily be tested for future consequences and cascade effects and future likely consequences.  


Typical initial AI BINOM Adviser screenshot, while additional layers with a number of  easy to use functionalities are available.        

BINOM Legacy 

The BINOM Legacy provides a unique additional service from BINOM and represents a new era within use of artificial intelligence, by replicating a specific person’s perceptive logic thinking. We train a uniquely purpose adapted BINOM AI algorithm, to become that person´s personalized BINOM Legacy.  The AI algorithm becomes that individual’s adaptation and imitation of traits in rational thinking based on genetics and lifelong training and experiences.  This will allow such selected specific personal BINOM Legacy personal version, not only to adapt typical psychological logical think patterns and methodical personal approach, but also includer main elements of experience.  By such, the logical thinking and extrication of vital experiences gained through life, can be stored for future interactive usage. The personalized Legacy becomes available, as diligently agreed by the person, to family members, employers, organizations, sciential and philanthropic groups etc.   BINOM Legacy is also made available for a more generic nonprivate version compiling the work logic of an individual and experience, thus creating a legacy from life-long work for continues benefit for the rest of organizations also after retiring from crucial positions. Other usages are to apply such AI  legacy as mentors for new employees or other´s seeking  support from the person’s life-long experience and learning. With the unique architecture of the BINOM  Legacy we therefore aim at creating ”digital logic replicas” of individuals, reflecting; 


  • General logic and methodical thinking. 

  • The personality, unified philosophy from knowledge. 

  • Adapted vital elements from experiences and education. 

  • Applied personalized logical approach for finding solutions to problems, risks, and crises. 

  • Provide exciting training for your personalized BINOM Legacy by an applied gaming technique. 


The BINOM Legacy will therefore provide an opportunity to get personal advice, written or oral, from a dedicated “digital copy” of a friend, colleague, family member etc., when not available in person any longer. By this mean great minds and dear individuals can carry through for decades and centuries. 

A demo video of BINOM is now available, see; www----------. 

For a mutually agreed trial of the integrated BINOM Forecaster, BINOM Adviser or BINOM Legacy, please contact the authors














Dr. Dag Zeiner-Gundersen                     Vladimir Winner


The  BINOM project  and BINOM Norway partners  

Dr. Dag H. Zeiner-Gundersen; 

Vladimir Winnner;

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