Norwegian Aquaponics AS
Norrønt AS has for the last 5 years developed a modular aquaponics system with a unique design to deliver safe food production, can be shipped anywhere in the world and produce food where its consumed.

Modular food production
A fully integrated container solution is housing all essentials for operating and controlling the aquaponics system based on mainly renewable energy systems, making it independent from the power grid.
Fully integrated container module solution
A fully integrated container solution is housing all essentials for operating and controlling the aquaponics system based on mainly renewable energy systems, making it independent from the power grid.
Automated with limited personnel intervention
The operation is designed to be partly or fully automatic with limited personnel intervention. High number of sensors and cameras for wireless to PC/Ipad.
Optionally more manual systems will be available.
Food safety
Energy safety.
Operational reliability.
Efficient food production.
Sustainable technology.
Local food production.
low waste

User friendly interface for customers such as:
Refugee camps
Developing countries
Island Communities
Fish industry

·Can be placed anywhere and primarily be self supported. This includes; desert, mountains, farms, land, city, towns, military or rescue camps, and at your local fish supplier.
·Typical production of 8000 kg lobster and more than three times in vegetables.
·Patent exciting on a modularized technological concept.
·Local employment for operation or fully automated.
·Directly from production to the plate exactly as required and with no logistics and transportation.
·System integration, biology, project execution is our strength.
Fish food in the form of pellets can be dry- stored for more than 6 months

High market potential
The market potential is significant for an integrated system, at low cost whereby self supplied fresh fish/lobster and plants are available, were by no critical transportation, food safety and pollution are issues.
üMarkets include; City, local fish suppliers, speciality stores and restaurants, towns, farms, military and rescue camps, deserts, mountains or forests etc.
üPotential end-users have requested information about design, creature and plant species, prices delivery etc.